he did what? 😎 Chaeun Lee just made history by landing the world’s first Triple 1620 in halfpipe 💥 2024.10.25
Filmed by @marinhoramonmeyer and @puzzlemedia3172[…]
Hiroto Ogiwara wins GOLD in Pacifico Men’s #Snowboard #BigAir at #XGamesAspen 2025! 2025.01.26
____ X Games — your destination for all things act […][…]
World First Snowboarding Belly Flop? 🤔 2024.09.19
— About Burton In 1977, Jake Burton Carpente […][…]
Longest Ski Jump World Record 🥶 2024.04.26
Professional Red Bull ski jumper Ryoyu Kobayashi b […][…]
최근 러시아 선수 근황 2024.08.27
#피겨 #피겨스케이팅 #shorts #figureskating[…]